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Frequently Asked Questions
What primary services do you offer?
Mostly we offer for travel photography, street, urban, product and others that we can provide
What do you specialize in?
Passionate in Photography for Travel, Streets and Urban
What are the rates of your services?
Depending on the types of events and further negotiation
How to contact to Ming Lee Photography
You may send us a email at [email protected] or our number is 0107869987.
Is this photography business page register with any authority?
Yes and our business of Ming Lee Photography is registered with Companies of Commission Malaysia CCM under our business register number (003308303-X) 202103241538
Is this Ming Lee Photography is a Companies level or Small Business?
Our Business of Ming Lee Photography is a Small Medium Enterprise Level which we have been certified and recognized by SME Corporation Malaysia with our registered SME number SME240112119 under Micro category